Type 2 diabetes is a widespread medical condition that has already been diagnosed in more than 34M Americans. Although adults over 45 years of age are exposed to this condition, more and more youngsters and children join the prediabetes stage. Read below to learn whether you may identify the early signs of type 2 diabetes in your case. Learn how to prevent it as well.
Early Signs of Type 2 Diabetes
What are the early signs of type 2 diabetes? It is logical to say that to identify whether you have early signs of type 2 diabetes, you should consult your healthcare provider. A doctor may examine your symptoms, and study your medical history closely, including the cases of type 2 diabetes in your family.
Type 2 diabetes is a medical condition that results from the inability of one’s body to run blood sugar. It, in turn, results in much-uncirculated blood sugar in the system, which high levels may lead to additional medical conditions. Furthermore, patients diagnosed with type 2 diabetes find out that their pancreas cannot cope with producing much insulin (responsible for the regulation of sugar direction into cells), while cells themselves do not respond to insulin and do not get enough sugar.
Although type 2 diabetes is primarily known to occur in adults aged 45 and over, the medical condition may now develop during childhood as well. It is dictated by the increased number of children with obesity.
Looking ahead, there is no known cure or solution to get rid of or treat type 2 diabetes once and forever; however, some measures may be taken into consideration to manage the symptoms and prevent them. They are healthy lifestyle, sports, and diet.
So, what are the earliest signs of type 2 diabetes?
Frequent Urination
Most people with type 2 diabetes may occasionally experience polyuria, a medical condition that causes excessive urination. It signals that your body has high levels of blood sugar, and it spills directly into the urine. Beyond that, frequent urination may occur when one’s kidneys are no longer capable of managing the amounts of glucose, so they also spill it into the urine.
Increased Thirst
Other early signs of type 2 diabetes include unstoppable thirst. It is easily explained since high blood sugar levels themselves lead to thirst and then, of course, frequent urination. An additional sign of having type 2 diabetes is that you cannot satisfy your thirst enough, even with a lot of water.
Always Feeling Hungry
Patients may occasionally find themselves always hungry, which is one of the most common signs of early type 2 diabetes. They experience such a medical condition as polyphagia. Normally, our bodies use glucose to nourish the cells; however, when the system is altered, our cells cannot get enough of glucose. Consequently, we have a continuous craving for food and cannot satisfy it. Note, some patients may even lose weight while eating much because high levels of glucose come out of the system through urine.
Feeling Very Tired
You may wake up and fall asleep with never-ending tiredness. Fatigue is one of the signs of high-risk early type 2 diabetes.
Blurry Vision and Other
When type 2 diabetes is not managed, a patient may develop blurred vision, which is a temporary effect only. It happens when blood sugar levels become suddenly high, and they affect eye blood vessels. When high blood sugar levels are common, it may lead to more serious sight conditions, including blindness.
Early Warning Signs Of Type 2 Diabetes
Every person may experience different symptoms when being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Most commonly, men and women have early common warning signs of type 2 diabetes. Nevertheless, let’s divide them by early known signs of type 2 diabetes in men and women, including the category of children as well.
In Men
First off, men may develop problems with their erectile function when they cannot proceed with qualitative sexual intercourse due to poor erection. Beyond that, they may face retrograded ejaculation, low testosterone levels, and in general, poor sex drive. Among other early signs of type 2 diabetes in most men are slow-healing wounds, breath odor, irritability.
In Women
Similar to men, women may develop sexual problems, including altered sexual drive, poor lubrication, among others. Some women may also come across polycystic ovary syndrome, which results from having high amounts of male hormones, as well as tingling, numbness in several areas of their bodies, and dark skin patches.
In children
When it comes to early signs of type 2 diabetes in most children, they are typically the same as mentioned above, including increased thirst, excessive urination, and blurry vision, among others. Some early signs of type 2 diabetes in many children may also include skin infections, itching, weighing problems, etc.
Important Factors of Early Diagnosis
Like with any other medical condition, prevention and early diagnosis are of vital importance. Since there is no cure to type 2 diabetes, a person should follow several precautions and take care of his health, and avoid any further complications. Furthermore, by detecting the earliest signs of type 2 diabetes in adults or children, they may get a prompt treatment. Consequently, it will lead to a boosted quality of life and reduced risk of comorbidities.
Note, if one does not get proper treatment, the person may develop the following early signs of type 2 diabetes common in adults:
- kidney disorders, which will require hospitalization for dialysis;
- heart problems, stroke;
- neuropathy;
- diabetic coma;
- foot problems which may lead to amputation;
- loss of vision;
- erectile problems.
There is evidence that unmanaged diabetes and signs of earliest type 2 diabetes themselves may lead to hyperosmolar hyperglycemic nonketotic syndrome (HHNS). HHNS is a medical condition, which, in turn, leads to a persistent increase in levels of blood sugar. It is usually developed by illness or infection.
Note, you should obligatorily control your blood sugar levels at home with a designated monitor to avoid any complications.
How to Prevent Type 2 Diabetes
Early signs of diabetes type 2 are pretty manageable. You may follow your healthcare provider’s precautions and live a healthy life. Still, you should remember that there is no cure to treat type 2 diabetes; hence, you should do your best to prevent this medical condition. Below you may find some of the recommendations on preventing the disease.
Eat Healthy Food
Eating healthily is usually recommended for all people regardless of their health condition. When you have type 2 diabetes or want to prevent it, it is highly advised to cut unhealthful sugary foods and refined carbs. By eating these foods, our systems easily break them into small molecules, which are then absorbed by our bloodstream. This will result in a spike in blood sugar levels. Note, there is no need to go extreme and forget about sugar at all; however, you should clearly understand that there should be a limit. Try to abstain from fast food or other heavy meals that may help you earn kilos. Think about going for a diet, but only after consulting with your doctor.
Foods to eat | Foods to avoid |
Brown rice, whole grain products, quinoa, oats, low sugar fruits, vegetables, beans, lentils. | Sugary products like candies and cookies, pasta, white bread, fast-food, sodas, fizzy drinks. |
Get Active
Sport should be your best friend at all times. Regular exercises increase the sensitivity of insulin in our cells. It means that when we work out, we require less insulin to keep blood sugar levels balanced. If you are not a big fan of workouts, you may first try to go for yoga or walking outside. Furthermore, one of the best sports activities to spend time on is swimming. It will help you prevent diabetes as well as boost your heart health. Remember that excessive weight and obesity are indicators of the possible development of diabetes. So, try your best to keep your weight under control.
Activities to choose | Activities to avoid |
Walking, cycling, swimming, aerobic dance, calisthenics. | Extreme exercises that may overload your heart. |
Lose Weight
As was mentioned above, excessive weight won’t do you good. Go to the nutritionist or dietician for advice on how to lose weight gradually or build a special diet for your needs. You should not cut all the foods and go for protein only. Beyond that, it is strictly forbidden to fast without your healthcare provider’s notice.
There is evidence that excess visceral fat promotes insulin persistence, which significantly boosts the risk of suffering from diabetes. Alongside diabetes, excessive weight leads to heart problems, foot problems, and difficulties with a respiratory drive, which may, in turn, develop other medical conditions.
Do not forget about the necessity of drinking a lot of water, which will boost your metabolism, and you will lose weight faster and healthier. Some recommendations hint at 2 liters per day; however, you should calculate your right amount of water per your particular weight.
Avoid Inactivity for Long Periods
If you find yourself sitting all the time on the sofa, it is the indicator that such a sedentary lifestyle may lead to problems. Try to do your best to go for a walk at least. If you have a pet, ensure to stroll with it longer. Or, just ask your friends to engage you in some activities, which you may do together.
When to Contact Your Doctor
There are some events when you should immediately call your doctor for a follow-up. Below you may find some of them:
- If your sugars are above 250 for longer than 24 hours. You should buy a monitor for measuring blood sugar levels at home.
- If you experience tingling, numbness in your extremities. On some occasions, such symptoms signal nerve damage.
- If you experience constipation.
- If you feel lightheadedness when you stand up not rapidly, there might be some deterioration in your coordination and walking ability further on.
- If you have erectile issues or difficulty sleeping. A man may find himself incapable of keeping an erection, while a woman may find the poor sexual drive. Some patients also cannot equally fall asleep and wake up.
- If you have a fever or have chills. If it is not a signal of respiratory infection, it may also signal nerve damage.
- If your skin develops infections or your wounds do not heal. If your wounds are being open for longer than a week, and no creams or designated medications are helpful, you should immediately ask your doctor’s advice.
Keep in mind that this is not the full list of all precautions and warnings; you may find more of them by consulting a dedicated specialist.
Your doctor may alleviate these symptoms and medical conditions with designated medications and therapies. If you experience the symptoms not mentioned above, they are also subjects for discussion with your healthcare provider.
Note, do not try to treat early signs of type 2 diabetes without your doctor’s notice. It is a complex medical condition that may require a complex treatment protocol with medications, regular check-ups, and even therapies. You should not choose the medications based on online feedback but ask for advice from the doctor.